
Invited talks and workshops

  1. Ungerer, Tobias (2024, April 9): Creative grammar: How speakers comprehend novel argument mappings. English Linguistics Circle Research Seminar. University of Santiago de Compostela & University of Vigo, Spain. (slides)
  2. Ungerer, Tobias (2023, November 10): How to sneeze a napkin off the table: Online processing of grammatically creative sentences. Cognitive Science of Language colloquium. University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada.
  3. Ungerer, Tobias (2022, November 23): Construction Grammar and implicit arguments. “Topics in Semantics” seminar. McGill University, Montreal, Canada.
  4. Ungerer, Tobias, and Stefan Hartmann (2022, April 18-20): Snowclones on the workbench: Using state-of-the-art corpus methods to study formulaic constructions. Workshop at the 1st Projeto PREDICAR Congress. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Conference talks and posters

  1. Ungerer, Tobias, and Roberto G. de Almeida (2024, July 24-27): Context affects the comprehension of implicit arguments: Evidence from the maze task [Poster presentation]. Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society. Rotterdam, Netherlands. (poster)
  2. Hartmann, Stefan, and Tobias Ungerer (2024, June 18-22): Language, schmanguage: A corpus-based exploration of the semantics of English shm-reduplication. 45th Annual Conference of the International Computer Archive for Modern and Medieval English (ICAME). Vigo, Spain.
  3. Ungerer, Tobias, Caitlyn Antal, and Roberto G. de Almeida (2024, May 16-18): Sneezing the napkin off the table: Online comprehension of grammatically creative sentences [Poster presentation]. 37th Annual Conference on Human Sentence Processing (HSP). Ann Arbor, MI, USA. (poster)
  4. Ungerer, Tobias, Caitlyn Antal, and Roberto G. de Almeida (2023, August 23-25): Conceptual integration in creative sentences: Evidence from eye-tracking. 5th Workshop on Concepts in Action: Representation, Learning, and Application (CARLA). Montreal, Canada.
  5. Ungerer, Tobias, Caitlyn Antal, and Roberto G. de Almeida (2023, August 7-11): Sneezing the napkin off the table: Mechanisms of valency coercion in eye-tracking. 16th International Cognitive Linguistics Conference Conference (ICLC). Düsseldorf, Germany. (slides)
  6. Ungerer, Tobias, and Stefan Hartmann (2023, August 7-11): What is a “taxonomic network”? On the relationship between hierarchies and networks. 16th International Cognitive Linguistics Conference Conference (ICLC). Düsseldorf, Germany. (slides)
  7. Hartmann, Stefan, and Tobias Ungerer (2023, March 7-10): “Chaos theory, shmaos theory”: Creativity and routine in English shm-reduplication. 45th Annual Conference of the German Linguistic Society (DGfS). Cologne, Germany.
  8. Antal, Caitlyn, Roberto G. de Almeida, and Tobias Ungerer (2022, October 11-14): The authors wrote the paper dry: Contrasting resultative and depictive verb templates [Poster presentation]. 12th International Conference on the Mental Lexicon. Niagara-on-the-lake, ON, Canada.
  9. Ungerer, Tobias, and Stefan Hartmann (2022, September 15-17): Are snowclones the new black? A corpus-based approach to extravagant formulaic patterns. 9th Biennial International Conference on the Linguistics of Contemporary English (BICLCE). Ljubljana, Slovenia.
  10. Hartmann, Stefan, Jakob Neels, and Tobias Ungerer (2022, August 24-27): A quantum of salience: Reconsidering the role of extravagance in grammaticalization. 55th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea (SLE). Bucharest, Romania.
  11. Ungerer, Tobias (2022, August 22-24): A priming approach to the representation of English argument structure constructions. 4th Workshop on Concepts in Action: Representation, Learning, and Application (CARLA). Berlin, Germany. (slides)
  12. Hartmann, Stefan, and Tobias Ungerer (2022, July 27-30): Are snowclones the new normal? Using corpora to study extravagant formulaic patterns. 43rd Annual Conference of the International Computer Archive for Modern and Medieval English (ICAME). Cambridge, UK.
  13. Ungerer, Tobias (2022, March 1-4): Constructional families in the lab: Novel experimental approaches to the study of constructional relations. 9th International Conference of the German Cognitive Linguistics Association (GCLA). Erfurt, Germany. (slides)
  14. Ungerer, Tobias (2021, August 18-20): Vertical and horizontal links in constructional networks – two sides of the same coin? 11th International Conference on Construction Grammar (ICCG). Antwerp, Belgium. (slides)
  15. Hartmann, Stefan, and Tobias Ungerer (2021, August 18-20): The mother of all constructions: A corpus-based approach to the productivity of ‘snowclones’. 11th International Conference on Construction Grammar (ICCG). Antwerp, Belgium.
  16. Ungerer, Tobias (2021, June 10-12): Probing the grammatical network with structural priming. Linguistics and English Language Postgraduate Conference. Edinburgh (virtual conference).
  17. Hartmann, Stefan, and Ungerer, Tobias (2020, November 25-27): Why pink is the new black and data scientists are the new rock stars: Corpus approaches to the productivity of “snowclones”. 8th International Conference Grammar & Corpora (GaC). Kraków, Poland (virtual conference).
  18. Ungerer, Tobias, and Alex Lorson (2020, August 26-September 1): ‘Du sprichst English? So do I’: How German speakers align in their use of Anglicisms. 53rd Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea (SLE). Virtual conference.
  19. Ungerer, Tobias, and Stefan Hartmann (2020, July 27-29): Attack of the snowclones. A corpus-based analysis of extravagant formulaic patterns. UK Cognitive Linguistics Conference 2020 (UKCLC). Birmingham, UK (virtual conference).
  20. Ungerer, Tobias (2019, August 21-24): Using structural priming to test links between constructions: Priming between caused-motion and resultatives sentences. 52nd Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea (SLE). Leipzig, Germany. (slides)
  21. Ungerer, Tobias (2019, August 6-11): Using structural priming to test links between constructions: Priming between caused-motion and resultatives sentences. 15th International Cognitive Linguistics Conference (ICLC). Nishinomiya, Japan. (slides)
  22. Ungerer, Tobias (2019, June 4-7): The concept of ‘inheritance’ in grammatical theory – What is it and which questions does it raise? 25th Linguistics and English Language Postgraduate Conference (LELPGC). Edinburgh, UK.

Research group talks

  1. Ungerer, Tobias (2021, May 14): Network science methods - a potential toolkit for cognitive linguistics? Cognitive Linguistics Research Group. Edinburgh. (slides)
  2. Ungerer, Tobias (2021, February 10): Structural priming meets Construction Grammar: Using priming to explore networks of constructions. Psycholinguistics Coffee (research seminar). Edinburgh. (slides)