Invited talks and workshops
- Ungerer, Tobias (2024, April 9): Creative grammar: How speakers comprehend novel argument mappings. English Linguistics Circle Research Seminar. University of Santiago de Compostela & University of Vigo, Spain. (slides)
- Ungerer, Tobias (2023, November 10): How to sneeze a napkin off the table: Online processing of grammatically creative sentences. Cognitive Science of Language colloquium. University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada.
- Ungerer, Tobias (2022, November 23): Construction Grammar and implicit arguments. “Topics in Semantics” seminar. McGill University, Montreal, Canada.
- Ungerer, Tobias, and Stefan Hartmann (2022, April 18-20): Snowclones on the workbench: Using state-of-the-art corpus methods to study formulaic constructions. Workshop at the 1st Projeto PREDICAR Congress. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Conference talks and posters
- Ungerer, Tobias, and Roberto G. de Almeida (2024, July 24-27): Context affects the comprehension of implicit arguments: Evidence from the maze task [Poster presentation]. Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society. Rotterdam, Netherlands. (poster)
- Hartmann, Stefan, and Tobias Ungerer (2024, June 18-22): Language, schmanguage: A corpus-based exploration of the semantics of English shm-reduplication. 45th Annual Conference of the International Computer Archive for Modern and Medieval English (ICAME). Vigo, Spain.
- Ungerer, Tobias, Caitlyn Antal, and Roberto G. de Almeida (2024, May 16-18): Sneezing the napkin off the table: Online comprehension of grammatically creative sentences [Poster presentation]. 37th Annual Conference on Human Sentence Processing (HSP). Ann Arbor, MI, USA. (poster)
- Ungerer, Tobias, Caitlyn Antal, and Roberto G. de Almeida (2023, August 23-25): Conceptual integration in creative sentences: Evidence from eye-tracking. 5th Workshop on Concepts in Action: Representation, Learning, and Application (CARLA). Montreal, Canada.
- Ungerer, Tobias, Caitlyn Antal, and Roberto G. de Almeida (2023, August 7-11): Sneezing the napkin off the table: Mechanisms of valency coercion in eye-tracking. 16th International Cognitive Linguistics Conference Conference (ICLC). Düsseldorf, Germany. (slides)
- Ungerer, Tobias, and Stefan Hartmann (2023, August 7-11): What is a “taxonomic network”? On the relationship between hierarchies and networks. 16th International Cognitive Linguistics Conference Conference (ICLC). Düsseldorf, Germany. (slides)
- Hartmann, Stefan, and Tobias Ungerer (2023, March 7-10): “Chaos theory, shmaos theory”: Creativity and routine in English shm-reduplication. 45th Annual Conference of the German Linguistic Society (DGfS). Cologne, Germany.
- Antal, Caitlyn, Roberto G. de Almeida, and Tobias Ungerer (2022, October 11-14): The authors wrote the paper dry: Contrasting resultative and depictive verb templates [Poster presentation]. 12th International Conference on the Mental Lexicon. Niagara-on-the-lake, ON, Canada.
- Ungerer, Tobias, and Stefan Hartmann (2022, September 15-17): Are snowclones the new black? A corpus-based approach to extravagant formulaic patterns. 9th Biennial International Conference on the Linguistics of Contemporary English (BICLCE). Ljubljana, Slovenia.
- Hartmann, Stefan, Jakob Neels, and Tobias Ungerer (2022, August 24-27): A quantum of salience: Reconsidering the role of extravagance in grammaticalization. 55th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea (SLE). Bucharest, Romania.
- Ungerer, Tobias (2022, August 22-24): A priming approach to the representation of English argument structure constructions. 4th Workshop on Concepts in Action: Representation, Learning, and Application (CARLA). Berlin, Germany. (slides)
- Hartmann, Stefan, and Tobias Ungerer (2022, July 27-30): Are snowclones the new normal? Using corpora to study extravagant formulaic patterns. 43rd Annual Conference of the International Computer Archive for Modern and Medieval English (ICAME). Cambridge, UK.
- Ungerer, Tobias (2022, March 1-4): Constructional families in the lab: Novel experimental approaches to the study of constructional relations. 9th International Conference of the German Cognitive Linguistics Association (GCLA). Erfurt, Germany. (slides)
- Ungerer, Tobias (2021, August 18-20): Vertical and horizontal links in constructional networks – two sides of the same coin? 11th International Conference on Construction Grammar (ICCG). Antwerp, Belgium. (slides)
- Hartmann, Stefan, and Tobias Ungerer (2021, August 18-20): The mother of all constructions: A corpus-based approach to the productivity of ‘snowclones’. 11th International Conference on Construction Grammar (ICCG). Antwerp, Belgium.
- Ungerer, Tobias (2021, June 10-12): Probing the grammatical network with structural priming. Linguistics and English Language Postgraduate Conference. Edinburgh (virtual conference).
- Hartmann, Stefan, and Ungerer, Tobias (2020, November 25-27): Why pink is the new black and data scientists are the new rock stars: Corpus approaches to the productivity of “snowclones”. 8th International Conference Grammar & Corpora (GaC). Kraków, Poland (virtual conference).
- Ungerer, Tobias, and Alex Lorson (2020, August 26-September 1): ‘Du sprichst English? So do I’: How German speakers align in their use of Anglicisms. 53rd Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea (SLE). Virtual conference.
- Ungerer, Tobias, and Stefan Hartmann (2020, July 27-29): Attack of the snowclones. A corpus-based analysis of extravagant formulaic patterns. UK Cognitive Linguistics Conference 2020 (UKCLC). Birmingham, UK (virtual conference).
- Ungerer, Tobias (2019, August 21-24): Using structural priming to test links between constructions: Priming between caused-motion and resultatives sentences. 52nd Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea (SLE). Leipzig, Germany. (slides)
- Ungerer, Tobias (2019, August 6-11): Using structural priming to test links between constructions: Priming between caused-motion and resultatives sentences. 15th International Cognitive Linguistics Conference (ICLC). Nishinomiya, Japan. (slides)
- Ungerer, Tobias (2019, June 4-7): The concept of ‘inheritance’ in grammatical theory – What is it and which questions does it raise? 25th Linguistics and English Language Postgraduate Conference (LELPGC). Edinburgh, UK.
Research group talks
- Ungerer, Tobias (2021, May 14): Network science methods - a potential toolkit for cognitive linguistics? Cognitive Linguistics Research Group. Edinburgh. (slides)
- Ungerer, Tobias (2021, February 10): Structural priming meets Construction Grammar: Using priming to explore networks of constructions. Psycholinguistics Coffee (research seminar). Edinburgh. (slides)