

  1. Ungerer, T., & Hartmann, S. (2023). Constructionist approaches: Past, present, future. Cambridge University Press. (Open Access)
  2. Ungerer, T. (2023). Structural priming in the grammatical network. John Benjamins.

Journal articles (* = peer-reviewed)

  1. *Ungerer, T., & Hartmann, S. (2024). Contrastive is the new black: A cross-linguistic study of a “snowclone” in English, German, and Spanish. Quaderns de Filologia: Estudis Lingüístics 29, 217–235. (Open Access)
  2. *Neels, J., Ungerer, T., & Hartmann, S. (2024). Doch Quantität vor Qualität? Motivationen und Mechanismen des Wandels in einer konstruktionalen Großfamilie deutscher Quantifizierer und Gradmodifizierer. Germanistische Mitteilungen 50, 13–39. (Open Access)
  3. *Ungerer, T. (2024). Vertical and horizontal links in constructional networks: Two sides of the same coin? Constructions and Frames 16(1), 30–63. (see author manuscript)
  4. *Hartmann, S., & Ungerer, T. (2024). Attack of the snowclones: A corpus-based analysis of extravagant formulaic patterns. Journal of Linguistics 60(3), 599–634. (Open Access; see also data and code)
  5. *Ungerer, T. (2023). A gradient notion of constructionhood. Constructions 15(1). (Open Access)
  6. Ungerer, T. (2022). Extending structural priming to test constructional relations: Some comments and suggestions. Yearbook of the German Cognitive Linguistics Association 10(1), 159–182. (see author manuscript)
  7. *Ungerer, T. (2021). Using structural priming to test links between constructions: English caused-motion and resultative sentences inhibit each other. Cognitive Linguistics 32(3), 389–420. (see author manuscript and dataset)
  8. *Ungerer, T., & Hartmann, S. (2020). Delineating extravagance: Assessing speakers’ perceptions of imaginative constructional patterns. Belgian Journal of Linguistics 34, 345–356. (see author manuscript and data and code)

Book chapters (* = peer-reviewed)

  1. *Hartmann, S., & Ungerer, T. (in press). “Chaos theory, shmaos theory”: Creativity and routine in English shm-reduplication. In S. Arndt-Lappe & N. Filatkina (Eds.), Dynamics at the lexicon-syntax interface: Creativity and routine in word-formation and multi-word expressions [working title].
  2. *Neels, J., Hartmann, S., & Ungerer, T. (2023). A quantum of salience: Reconsidering the role of extravagance in grammaticalization. In H. De Smet, P. Petré, & B. Szmrecsanyi (Eds.), Context, intent and variation in grammaticalization (pp. 47–78). Berlin & Boston: De Gruyter. (see data and code)

Conference proceedings (* = peer-reviewed)

  1. *Ungerer, T., & de Almeida, Robert G. (2024). Context affects the comprehension of implicit arguments: Evidence from the maze task. In L. K. Samuelson, S. L. Frank, M. Toneva, A. Mackey & E. Hazeltine (Eds.), Proceedings of the 46th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society. Cognitive Science Society. (Open Access here)

Book reviews

  1. Ungerer, T. (2023). Elaine J. Francis, Gradient acceptability and linguistic theory (Oxford Surveys in Syntax & Morphology). Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2022. Pp. xv 270. ISBN 9780192898951. English Language & Linguistics 27(2), 430–436. (see author manuscript)
  2. Ungerer, T. (2022). Review of Sommerer & Smirnova (2020): Nodes and Networks in Diachronic Construction Grammar. Journal of Historical Linguistics 12(2), 317–326. (see author manuscript)